Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Competitions and Performance Opportunities - Winter and Spring 2025

MusicLink Playathon
Minnesota students will again be given the opportunity to show off their musical talents by participating in a MusicLink Playathon at the Mall of America. This is a fundraising event sponsored by MMTA and Schmitt Music to benefit the MusicLink Foundation. It has been very successful in raising much-needed funds for the Foundation and is also an exciting experience for students, teachers, and parents while providing a convincing public face to the value of music education.
Date: February 2025 (exact date TBA)
Registration fee: no fee
Ages: any age
Registration deadline: January 2025 (exact date TBA)

Piano Fun MN Competition
PianoFun Minnesota is an inspirational musical event for young pianists who love music and want to share their love of music with others. This competitive but friendly event provides young musicians with the opportunity to perform in a wonderful venue, and receive a valuable experience playing for a large audience. The competition is held at the Landmark Center in St. Paul.
Dates: February 2025 (exact date TBA)
Registration fee: $33 or $40
Ages: younger than 14

Piano Solo Festival
Students who would like to, have the opportunity to participate in the Piano Solo Festival at Northwestern University.
Date: March 2025 (exact date TBA)
Registration fee: $20
Ages: 4th grade and up

Thursday Musical - Young Artist Scholarship Competition
Scholarships are awarded in each age division and instrument category. First place awards for college are $1,300; high school, $800; and junior high, $550. Second place and honorable mention awards are also granted. First place winners are recognized with a featured concert performance at MacPhail Center for Music, Minneapolis. Additional performance opportunities are also offered to winners.
Date: video due in February 2025 (exact date TBA) // winners concert in April 2025 (exact date TBA)
Registration fee: $50
Ages: 7th grade and up
Registration deadline: January 2025 (exact date TBA)

The Schubert Club Student Scholarship Competition
The Schubert Club Student Scholarship Competition is open to junior high and senior high students. Two cash prizes in each age and instrument category are awarded – $2000 and $1500 – to be used for further musical education.
Date: video due by February 2, 2025 // in-person finals on March 23, 2025
Registration fee: none
Ages: 7th grade and up
Registration deadline: January 13, 2025

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