Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mastering the Art of Performance - Reading Together - Keeping Preparation Fresh and Focused

"Conceptualizing musical performance goals and planning a procedure to achieve them are often hard to institute. Novices often feel that it is much easier just to wade in and start working. Even those experienced in performance find that their lives are geared to a repetitive cycle of activities designed to prepare and produce performance events. Such a cycle is almost always tied to a timetable of some sort, so that getting ready to perform and meeting the challenge of the next deadline tend to be all-consuming activities often attended by pressure. As a result, these individuals feel they have no time to stop for some vaguely beneficial reorientation. Yet conceptualization and planning are fundamental to performance success. The energy needed to undertake and sustain any performance is generated by our ability to glimpse an overall to conceive a mega-goal, a larger plan, with as much clarity as possible. Moreover, focusing on a goal and direction renews motivation by helping to pinpoint what it is we are attempting to achieve and by what route we plan to get there. In addition, we garner an understanding of the connections between our immediate tasks and the achievements we hope to forge over the long haul."
(page 41, Kindle edition)

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