Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Helping Children Succeed - Reading Together - Discipline and Incentives

"And it suggests that school-discipline programs might be more effective if they were to focus less on imposing punishment and more on creating a classroom environment in which students who lack self-regulatory capacities can find the tools and context they need to develop them."
(page 54, Kindle Edition)

"But researchers are increasingly coming to understand that there are limits to the effectiveness of rewards and punishments in education, and that for young people whose neurological and psychological development has been shaped by intense stress, straightforward reward systems are often especially ineffective."
(page 57, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Helping Children Succeed - Reading Together - Beyond the Home and Building Blocks

"At age three and four, they need a high-quality preschool that provides them with a solid grounding in letters and numbers as well as a stable base of interpersonal, motivational, and psychological capacities."
(page 43, Kindle Edition)

"The students improved academically for the simple reason that they were able to concentrate on what was being taught, without their attention being swept away by conflicts and disagreements."
(page 47, Kindle Edition)

"A lot of it has to do with problems of focusing attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. And you may not have developed those capacities because of what happened to you early on in your life."
(page 51, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Helping Children Succeed - Reading Together - Attachment and Home Visiting

"When interventions designed to encourage attachment are done right, the effect on disadvantaged parents and their children can be transformative."
(page 35, Kindle Edition)

"The message to parents is: You don’t need to learn something new. We just want to show you what you’re already doing, because if you do more of that, it’s going to be transformative for your baby."
(page 41, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Helping Children Succeed - Reading Together - Neglect and Early Intervention

"If we want to try to improve the early lives of disadvantaged children today, there is considerable evidence that the best lever we can use is that same powerful environmental element: the behaviors and attitudes of the adults those children encounter every day."
(page 26, Kindle Edition)

"The effect of the environment is amplified during the early years: When children are in a good environment, it is very good for their future development, and when they are in a bad environment, it is very bad."
(page 27, Kindle Edition)

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