Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - The Art of Practice

"I believe in taking one selection of Bach and perfecting it—transposing it in all keys and polishing it to the highest point possible. So with études, it is better to perfect a few than to play at so many."
(page 190, Kindle Edition)

"Every intelligent player recognizes certain exercises as especially beneficial to the mechanical well-being of his playing; from these he will plan his daily schedule of technical practise."
(page 190, Kindle Edition)

"Clarence Adler counsels pupils always to begin by practising slowly—faster tempo will develop later, subconsciously."
(page 192, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - What Technic Includes

"The first principle a piano teacher shows his pupil is that of hand position."
(page 184, Kindle Edition)

"The player, however, who desires a clean, reliable technic, should first acquire a coloratura hand before attempting a melody hand."
(page 188, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Vital Points in Piano Playing

"As I listened to their performances it was brought to me more clearly than ever that each master played the piano in the manner which best suited himself; at the same time each and every player made the instrument utter tones and effects little dreamed of by the ordinary learner."
(page 180, Kindle Edition)

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

25 Tips for Supporting Your Young Musician

Finding the right instrument, teacher, and setting for your child's music lessons is just the first step toward future success. As a parent, you may find that your most difficult role is keeping your child prepared, motivated, and challenged for their lessons. The truth is, whether pursuing lessons was your child's idea, or the new activity took a little encouragement from you, all young music students need strong support to stay on track.

TakeLessons works with students (and parents) of all ages and skill levels, and helps to facilitate successful lessons all over the country - every day. Below, here's a helpful infographic they created, with tips to help you support your kids in piano lessons!

25 Tips for Supporting Your Young Musician [Infographic]

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Hints on Interpretation

"He laid much stress on the use of slow, gentle motions in practise and in playing; on the spiritualization of the tones, of getting behind the notes to find the composer's meaning."
(page 172, Kindle Edition)

"Practise slowly and in sections. Not only must all the notes be there, they must be dwelt on."
(page 178, Kindle Edition)

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