Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Hambourg

"The principal requirement is, first of all, a loose wrist."
(page 64, Kindle Edition)

"No matter how much the player may feel the meaning of the music, he cannot express this meaning with stiff wrists and arms."
(page 64, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Goodson

"You ask how I memorize. First I go over the work several times to get a general idea of the whole. Then I analyze it, for I feel it absolutely necessary to know keys, chords, and construction. A work should be so well understood along these lines that it can be played in another key as well as in the one in which it is written."
(page 59, Kindle Edition)

"I believe in a perfectly easy and natural position of hand at the keyboard. When this is the case the finger-tips form a curve, the middle fingers being placed a little farther in on the keys than is natural for the first and fifth."
(page 60, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Roeder

"I find that studies are valuable for application of technical principles, for reacting purposes, and for the cultivation of all the refinements of playing."
(page 53, Kindle Edition)

"On this subject I think we should avoid pedantry; not to say to the pupil, you must play this piece a certain way; but rather say, I see or feel it in this way, and give the reasons underlying the conception."
(page 54, Kindle Edition)

"I believe in freedom of body, arm and wrist, a firm, solid arched hand and set fingers."
(page 56, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Tapper

"The music pupil also needs to know musical literature, history and biography, to be familiar with the lives and writings of the great composers."
(page 47, Kindle Edition)

"To do good work you must have the tools to work with."
(page 48, Kindle Edition)

"My chief endeavor is to create a desire for good musicianship. To this end I insist upon the study of theory, harmony, ear-training and analysis."
(page 48, Kindle Edition)

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Piano Mastery Talks - Reading Together - Leginska

"For me the piano is capable of reflecting every mood, every feeling; all pathos, joy, sorrow—the good and the evil too—all there is in life, all that one has lived."
(page 42, Kindle Edition)

"The piano is such a revealer of character; I need only to hear a person play to know what sort of character he has."
(page 44, Kindle Edition)

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