Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Teach Like a Champion - Part 7 (Reading Together)

This chapter covers techniques referring to building character and trust in and with your students.

- Positive Framing
Correct behavior by giving students a postive action to take, assuming the best, making initial corrections without using names, and giving students a challenge to fulfill.

- Precise Praise
Acknowledge (in other words, thank) expected behavior. Praise exceptional behavior.

- Warm/Strict
These are not mutually exclusive. Be clear and consistent while also being positive and caring.

- The J-Factor
Find joy in the work of learning.

- Emotional Constancy

- Explain Everything
Help your students understand the rationale behind the rules and expectations.

- Normalize
Since making mistakes is a natural part of learning, know how to handle answers. For wrong answers: don't chasten, but don't excuse either. For right answers: don't flatter, but don't fuss either.

Now to you: What stood out to you in this chapter?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teach Like a Champion - Part 6 (Reading Together)

This chapter has some helpful ideas and plans for classroom management.

- 100 Percent
There's one acceptable percentage of students following a direction: 100 percent.

- What to Do
Make directions specific, concrete, sequential, and observable.

- Strong Voice
Be sure you communicate authoritatively.

- Do It Again
Have students repeat a basic task when they have failed to complete it correctly.

- Sweat the Details
Create the perception of order by including a focus on the details.

- Threshold
Greet your students as they come into your room.

- No Warnings
Catch off-task behavior quickly and intervene right away.

Now to you: What stood out to you in this chapter?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Teaching Like a Champion - (Reading Together)

I apologize, but there will be no summary for this week. Please check back next week for the summary to chapter 6.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Teach Like a Champion - Part 5 (Reading Together)

This chapter focuses on how to establish the a classroom culture that encourages your students to be learning.

- Entry Routine
Have a routine in place which your students follow when they get to class.

- Do Now
Have an exercise that previews or reviews for your students to do at the beginning of class.

- Tight Transitions

- Binder Control

- Slant
Stands for sit up, listen, ask and answer questions, nod your head, and track the speaker.

- On Your Mark
Make sure your students know what they need to have to start class. They should make sure that they have everything ready to start class.

- Seat Signals
Have non-verbal signals for your students to use to indicate the need to use the bathroom, sharpen a pencil, etc.

- Props
Use to show public praise for students. A prop should be quick, visceral, universal, and enthusiastic.

Now to you: What stood out to you in this chapter?