Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to Order Sheet Music and Worksheets

Please send the following information in an e-mail to Piano Lessons at
Address (or at least city, state and country):
Email Address:
Title of Music that you are ordering:
____ $0.99 USD for the first copy, $0.50 for each additional copy*
___________How many copies will you be making?
____$10.00 USD for unlimited copies for one teacher *
* This is on the "honor" system. Please pay for all copies that you will make.

Note: Each piece of music or worksheet will be e-mailed to you as a pdf attachment.
Payment accepted only through Paypal. You can pay with an existing Paypal account or with a credit card.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Welcome to my new blog. I hope to add interesting tidbits, pieces of news, and links here as time permits.